Not every school district in America closed their doors and went remote for an extended period of time. In fact, Muskego-Norway Schools opened this past Fall, and given the opportunity to attend remotely, only 12 percent of their students did so. The other 88 percent attended in-person. According to Tony Spence, Chief Information Officer at Muskego-Norway, “It was a bit of a dice roll in terms of how this would have turned out. We couldn't have anticipated all of this, but as we look back, we feel we made a really good decision about representing the needs of the community and also what we could do as a school system. So my job right now is just to give you a little bit of background in detail about those steps that got us there and the work that we felt was so important to make sure that we could pull it off.”  

See why the decision was made, how they did it, and the results that they experienced. This is a different kind of COVID story, and one that you will find both enlightening and inspirational.


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