You can learn a lot from your mistakes. In this hybrid learning discussion, you’ll learn about the mistakes one district made, and the wonderful lessons learned.

According to Samantha Duchscherer, Instructional Technology Coordinator at Jacksonville North Pulaski Schools District, “Here in Arkansas, we offer virtual K through 12, that was a state requirement this year. So we had a certain amount of kids in the building, but we had a large portion of our students who were virtual for the whole year. And so if you have third, fourth, fifth grade students trying to attend to these live meets during the day, it was a real struggle for these students. The other thing, I would consider it a mistake to use the hot button term, ‘learning loss.’ I found the more that we used it with our teachers, it sort of became something that was known in the community and students were hearing it. And our feedback from students was that they've lost a lot more in the pandemic. Like lots of our students have lost family members. They've lost friendships. They've lost the ability to socialize that whole social, emotional wellbeing part of their lives is a mess. And so for them, and that doesn't even count the actual loss of family and friends. My biggest concern is day-to-day stuff and making it through. So how do we reframe that? Because yes, we all know this is a concern, right? How can we reframe it and maybe change that language? So it's a little more acceptable motivating for our students as well.”

Tune in for this frank and motivating discussion. You’ll learn mistakes to avoid, and many, many new and helpful strategies for success.


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