Chris McMurray is the VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel. In today’s workshop, Chris will help us understand the new responsibilities of the digital learning experience. According to Chris, “We're going to cover essentially four different things. When you're thinking about the scope of all this stuff, we've got learning objects, we've got platforms, we've got structures, and we have UN-learning some of the old habits that we have accumulated over time. We're really going to start talking about, how do we identify and understand the learning objects? If you have to use pro grade stuff, how do you understand what those are? How do we create an understanding, an identity? We also need to be able to establish a common vocabulary. All of us who are in change management know that as we move into getting the work done, having a common, common vocabulary around that work is critical.”

“We're also going to have to understand professional responsibilities,” says Chris, “because moving into our digital transformation space, that is something that is unique. And it isn't something that has been truly identified. We need to be able to make sure that we're leveraging all of the digital resources that we have currently, as we begin to personalize the experience and use some logistics and workflow thinking in order to help us get there and maintain connectivity. Because we're losing students, we've got kids dropping off, we've got teachers dropping off. All the components of the system are up in arms and we need to get a handle on that. We have the ability to do that. We've got the resources.”

Watch this timely presentation by the Learning Counsel’s Chris McMurray. See how understanding our digital resources can help us leverage our effectiveness, lesson the burden on teachers and compete with the consumer-facing resources that are syphoning our children away from traditional public education.


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