Dr. Joe Sanfelippo is the Superintendent at the Fall Creek School District. In this Featured Educator Open Discussion, Sanfelippo talks about what leaders can do to amplify voices and everything that goes along with it.  “I think what it comes down to,” said Sanfelippo, “is how do we make sure that the people within the context of our space feel like they're valued within the context of our space and really that comes down to what kind of environment are we creating as an organization?”

“We're always thinking about what's next, what's next, what's next, right? We don't concentrate on those interactions. And when we don't concentrate on those interactions, we never get a chance to influence the way that we want to influence, because we're always thinking about what the next interaction is, as opposed to being in the interaction, being present, engaged to the moment that we're in. And I think that happens to us as leaders a lot, because there are so many things that knock us down. There are so many things that we have to do. There are so many things that bother us in terms of how we lead, that we don't get a chance to actually take a step back and realize that the work happening in schools is absolutely phenomenal.”

A little motivation is a good thing, and Superintendent Sanfelippo motivates while helping us understand how to be better leaders. This video is fast moving and fun, and will give you a motivational shot in the arm just when you need it most.


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