Kansas City is known for its Barbecue. And a really great steak. And Learning with a digital focus? In this Educator Open Discussion, the gang from Kansas City Public Schools bring you their mission, to empower educators to deliver high quality instruction by fostering a technology-rich environment in which students can develop 21st Century Skills. In this discussion, Jeramie Davis, Digital Learning and Professional Development Coordinator, Andrea Cook, Digital Learning Coordinator and Joe Jarrett, Digital Learning Coordinator, will share their action plan and the steps they have taken during the pandemic to achieve success towards their mission. According to Andrea Cook, “When the pandemic hit, we already had a blueprint of what to do. Basically, what we did was took all of our professional development along with our curriculum departments, and we built HyperDocs for everything that we do within our district. Each day we had a different content. We had a digital content, a curriculum content, and a lesson planning session for teachers to actually learn the content, integrate it with tech and lesson plan. So we did that each day for two weeks. So that each particular grade level got the type of digital learning and curriculum content that they needed. All the different schools would pair up with another school and they would actually work together to discuss how they were going to create lesson plans.”

There is so much to learn here from Kansas City. You’ll want to catch every minute of the discussion, and bring the wisdom home for your own staff.


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