In this Digital Experience Standards, New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop, hosted by Chris McMurray, VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel, you’ll learn about standards for administrators and educators, as McMurray talks about a model for learning design that goes deeper than just digital literacy.

You’ll also have the opportunity to download a free copy of the newest version of the Edujedi Dictionary, a resource full of definitions for administrators, IT staff, and teachers.

According to McMurray, “As you start to build experiences for learners, it's important to understand which type of learning object you're using, because the engagement and the teachability of those learning objects increases as the sophistication increases. But then, so also does your time increase - in time not being spent planning or creating, but time actually working with the students and the learners.”

Take advantage of the resources around you. In the world of digital curriculum, understanding is the key to an increased learning opportunity for every student. Don’t miss this amazing presentation and download your copy of the new EduJedi Dictionary.


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