When moving into new situations, practice really does make perfect. According to “Dr. Queesha Tillman, Assistant Principal at Loyd E. Auman Elementary School, “Everything looks good in theory. All right. It sounds good on paper, but it doesn't actually end out the way we think it could. So definitely practice makes perfect. Practice your schedule. And that means the sound system, the equipment technology needs, all those tech hookups, all those things need to be put into place educators to save yourself some trouble. Come in, practice. So many different moving parts. So that means what does recess look like? What does lunch look like? What does breakfast look like? Arrival and dismissal, those things we need to look at, actually practice those things. How are we going to maneuver our kids to, and from where we need to in our hallways, what does that look like?”

There are five steps you can work through to ensure you are winning at hybrid learning. In addition to practicing your schedule, you should fine tune your time management, establish routines, create a digital filing system for everything, and most importantly, seek assistance.

Join Dr. Tillman in this educator session as she looks at the practical side of hybrid learning, and you’ll be practically guaranteed to find success for your learners.


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