Kerry Gallagher is the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at St. John’s Prep. According to Gallagher, “Laelani (Cauthen) and the Learning Counsel asked me to talk a little bit about hybrid organization, and not just the structures and schedules and logistics, but how is it actually impacting our people? Not simply how is it impacting our teachers and our students in terms of where they're learning from and what technology they're actually using, but how is it impacting them in terms of engagement with content? And what about the social, emotional side of all of these changes that we're making? How can the technology serve to really maximize or optimize learning experience? And most importantly, how can the technology serve to keep us connected as humans, because that's really what we're eager for. That's what education comes down to.”

Education is about connections, and technology is all about connecting humans. You’ll enjoy this guest educator discussion, and it will help you connect like never before.


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