Lammersville Joint Unified School District is the highest performing district in San Joaquin County and, and the central Valley area, but it's not without a lot of work. According to Heather Sherburn, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Technology, “We do have a great community with great families and parents, but we have been very intentional about what we want to accomplish. We want to have that 21st century educational vision, the communication, collaboration, creativity, citizenship and critical thinking is something that we're really thinking about. We're trying to think, how do we push the box to the greatest extent we can right now? We are a one-to-one district with Chromebooks. So we really intentionally thought, if we're going to bring in computers, how are we going to do that with a purpose?

We're not going to just put the Chromebook books in the classroom and say, well, now what? And let teachers figure it all out on their own. That's where the blended learning instruction comes in. We really believe blending the best of in-person face-to-face, human interaction instruction with using technology in smart and meaningful ways to personalize and adjust instruction to really get those quick checks for understanding, to know what's going on with kids, to aggregate our data and to see where the strengths and weaknesses are.”

See how Lammersville has intentionally leveraged technology to drive learning to new heights. There is a lot to learn here, and the real winners will be your own learners back home.


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