Our special Lunch and Learn presentations are an opportunity for you to peruse education companies that you need to know about. These companies have all been vetted and come highly recommended by the Learning Counsel. In this Lunch and Learn presentation, Eric Fitzgerald, VP Sales for Capstone, was eager to share what his customer love about using Capstone for their learners. According to Fitzgerald, “We're all about engagement with kids and connection to kids. Reading is for everyone. At our heart, we believe every student can be reached. Every student is a reader, and the flip side is that we believe every person, including everyone on this call is a reluctant reader. A key tenant of what we do at Capstone is really making sure that we're connecting content in the way that the person wants to be connected with. In fact, it should be more engaging, and we should have multiple angles to approach a topic. And so reading is for everyone is about making, reading fun for everyone. We're in your school. You may not know that you know us. As an example, we were a lot of the books at the Scholastic book fair. We're also on Amazon Alexa and Google in a lot of their student and child areas. Uh, we're also Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Smithsonian, along with some really incredible digital products.

“We are a large book publisher, but over the last 10 years, we've also shifted to be a pretty gigantic digital content provider for schools. So PebbleGo is Capstone as is Capstone Interactive eBooks, which is a pretty large collection of eBooks. We see studies that show 7.4 hours is the time that the average American teacher spends per week collecting content and then building it into lessons. I think we can shave an hour or two or three off those each individual's week. And the net result of that as a school leader is, collectively you can reduce the stress and time experienced by your teachers during the pandemic.

“We think we can help make a very significant difference for individuals, but the net total of that for a district is just a massive gain in human resources, and sustainability for those educators that are working so hard right now. So with that, we created Capstone Connect and capstone is taking all of our 25 years of quality educationally based materials. And can we make a way to easily surface it, and make it available to educators around the country, as well as kids and parents.”

It takes a company with the size and reach of Capstone to make such a difference to our schools. You’ll want to check out this presentation and find out how you can add quality teaching time for your teachers and learners.


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