The wonderful thing about our Lunch and Learn presentations is that it gives the Learning Counsel the opportunity to recommend specific products and services that your district needs. In this special Lunch and Learn presentation, Gail Dinkelkamp, Senior Director of Inside Sales at ClassLink explains three things that are vital during this time of remote and hybrid learning. According to Dinklekamp, “I want to show you some of the pieces of ClassLink that I think are really important. I’ll start with single sign on, and then we’ll dig into our usage analytics. I also want to show you how we roster, which can really help a district to do that all automatically. Without doing it manually, it really helps save time. Especially in the summer, when your rosters roll over.

ClassLink is where teachers and students go for everything. Kids can log in with the quick cards as well. The student takes his badge and places it up to the camera. The student is now logged into the Chromebook and logged into ClassLink. I taught for 15 years, and I taught with ClassLink and I taught without it. And I will tell you that when I had ClassLink and the badges, I used a lot more technology. It was just so much easier for me. I didn't lose any instructional time and my kiddos could get in so easily.”

Explore one of the most useful, vital tools that your district can own. The Learning Counsel highly recommends Classlink. Find out why.


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