According to Anthony Giudice, Education Specialist at the Learning Division of ACT, “Social Emotional Learning (SEL) prepares students and educators to activate, motivate and advance. It's important that students and educators both know the key concepts and terms to social, emotional learning, but without the execution of those terms, knowing how to enact and enable each other to get through and to build on their social emotional skills, it really just ends up being words on paper. And with our programs, our curriculum, we teach our students to activate. And from those activations of those execution skills, they're going to build competence and mastery. It's going to give them that confidence to motivate them to go outside of their comfort zone outside of their circle and try new things.”

In this Lunch and Learn Presentation, you’ll hear about ACT’s powerful Mosiac Social Emotional Learning Solution. To see an informative video on Mosiac, click here.


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