Teacher Retention Criticality

Meet authors and educators Dr. Joseph Jones, Superintendent of New Castle County Vocational-Technical School District and Dr. T.J. Vari, Senior Director of Product Strategy at Maia Learning. While on tour for Learning Counsel media, LeiLani met Joseph and T.J. at the regional Baltimore event and learned of their involvement in teacher retention. Between them, they have written six books and are working on another. Listen in on important points made about the state of play in recruiting and retaining teachers during the epic teacher shortage across America from two folks who have been deeply involved in that work along with another author, Salome Thomas-El. Don’t miss their books” Retention for a Change: Motivate, Inspire, and Energize your School Culture,” “Building a Winning Team,” “Passionate Leadership: Creating a Culture of Success in Every School”, “7 Mindshifts for School Leaders: Finding New Ways to Think About Old Problems”, “Candid and Compassionate Feedback: Transforming Everyday Practice in School”, and “Invest in Your Best.”