Featured Articles
Opinion: What We Need are Community Schools
Students are suffering Our highest poverty districts are suffering. Schools are essentially closed in these districts, and students are struggling with online models, sketchy Internet access...
Christy Martin, Ed.D.
Pandemic Principals Provide Perspective
This is the latest in a monthly series on the impact of Affective Leadership in the school system. Affective leadership is all about working with people, rather than trying to work through them...
Jamie Bricker
Student Wellbeing: Helping Students Help Themselves
The Coronavirus pandemic and ensuing challenges from school and society closures have heightened awareness about the growing dangers to the safety and wellbeing of our students. Our natural re...
Ian Fagan & Julian Fagan
Giving Thanks
Every year, I publish a column somewhere in the education press around the time of the Thanksgiving holiday with a “ What are You Thankful For” theme. During this time of COVID-19 and WFH a...
Charles Sosnik
By Definition: Real K12 Leadership Now
Really good leaders have uncanny abilities to do true estimates of what it takes to win. That is what defines a consistent winner and therefore great leader.
LeiLani Cauthen
Comprehensive Integrated Cognitive Training: Sculpting Cognitive Processes
Editor’s Note: This is Part 3 in a five-part series. In the first article in this series, we discussed the concept that the greatest matter of equity our nation’s students face is their co...
Betsy Hill & Roger Stark
Print Versus Digital: We Need Both
The Covid-19 pandemic and rapid shift to remote learning have brought forward discussions that have been occurring on the periphery or in the background, at least, for several years. Is there st...
Cinnamon Scheufele
Make Learning Engaging and Meaningful in this COVID World
All three of my children, ages 22, 17 and (almost) 15, have had their learning interrupted this year because of the pandemic. My oldest son has had the least difficulty transitioning since many ...
Tamara Fyke
Our Virtual Journey - Lessons Learned
Like many school districts across the nation, the decision to open our doors virtually for students in grades 3-12 was heartbreaking. We had been working throughout the summer on variations of a...
Rita Mortenson
Looking Beyond the Pandemic: We Need a Change in Attitude
Our nation is suffering from a labor shortage. Most especially, in the area of trades and unskilled labor. As a nation, we have encouraged our youth to go to college and seek the higher echelons...
Christy Stephens Martin, Ed.D.
Inspiring & Informing Through Affective Leadership
Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a monthly series on the impact of Affective Leadership in the school system. Affective leadership is all about working with people, rather than t...
Jamie Bricker
Changing the Dialogue Can Make a Big Difference in Student Wellbeing
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a three-part series on student wellbeing. Much has been made of the state of student wellbeing during the pandemic. On the back of decades of rising ment...
Ian Fagan & Julian Fagan
Beyond the Pandemic: Where We Are as a Reflection of What We Need
Editor’s Note: This is part two in a three-part series Statistics and other information on the present condition of jobs in the United States in the areas of trades and skilled labor are...
Christy Martin, Ed.D.
How Flexible Classrooms Support Active Learning in Preparing Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce
Changes in classroom design mirror the emphasis on collaboration in the workplace.
Dr. Christina Counts
Be Kind (to Yourself), Unwind!
For the past decade, I have been advocating for the integration of social-emotional learning and screens in schools. I never imagined that we would be living in 2020 when families are forced to...
Tamara Fyke
Looking Beyond the Pandemic at Our Focus in Schools
Editor’s note: This is part one of a three-part series A little appreciated area of education continues to make a significant contribution to your everyday life. If you are eating, living in...
Christy Martin, Ed.D.
The Upside of All This
You can see an upside of what is happening in America, in Education, in the World, if you know some of How Things Work. Specifically, you might ask, what things? Well, things that indicate a di...
LeiLani Cauthen
Achieving Equity: Understanding Each Child’s Cognitive Strengths and Weaknesses
Editor’s Note: This is part two in a five-part series In our first article in this Achieving Equity series, we suggested that the greatest obstacle to equity that students face in ...
Betsy Hill & Roger Stark
Help Your Students to be Entrepreneurs
When people think of student entrepreneurs, the first that come to mind are the stories of moguls like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, who dropped out of university to create some of the most pr...
Nancy Conrad
Math Discourse and Other Math Teacher Best Practices That Support English Learners
A fifth-grade teacher tells her class that a person mowed their entire lawn. She gives them the length and width of the hypothetical backyard and asks them what the area of the space is. More th...
Claudia Salinas
Featured Papers
The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.
Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.