Featured Articles


Reopening Schools but Emptier, Physically Distanced, and still some Remote Students - The State of K12 Schools in America

We need to talk about the state of K12 schooling in America. It’s a different world now. The Learning Counsel’s major Digital Transition Survey showed our first data in October 2020 of the natio...

LeiLani Cauthen


Ten Keys to Affective School Leadership

This is the latest article in a monthly series on the impact of Affective Leadership in the school system. Affective leadership is all about working with people, rather than trying to work thro...

Jamie Bricker


No More School Money Worries

First there was the CARES Act, which is still not entirely spent out. Many areas of the country who didn’t get their allocation spent up by the end of 2020 got extensions .  The CARES Act was...

LeiLani Cauthen


The Role of Cognitive Skills in Academic Performance

Editor’s Note: This is the final installment in a five-part series. The negative impact of COVID-19-related disruptions on student learning has fallen disproportionately on students living...

Betsy Hill & Roger Stark

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Make Family Dinner a Priority

Family dinner and school success don’t seem to go together, at least not on the surface. But let me share a short story. At the school where I use to teach, the valedictorian one year was asked ...

Joshua M. Sneideman

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The Oracle at Sacramento

2800 hundred years ago in Greece, a priestess named Pythia was famous throughout the ancient world for divining the future, and it is said no major decisions were made without consulting her fir...

Charles Sosnik


4 Districts Review New A.I. Teacher Assistant

  What if there were a new software application that uses your own teachers digitized into animated avatars to present lessons? Learners engage in interactive conversations with socially intel...

The LC Staff


Understanding the Choices We Make

"People are capable of flight. The problem is the landing."   --Mark Yozart Acrophobia applies to people with "extreme, irrational and persistent fears of heights and situations associat...

Mac Bogert


Simple Steps to Eliminate Zoom Fatigue

Over the past week, I have heard myself and several others say, “I’m tired of Zoom.  I’m ready to be with real people.” I have also led more professional trainings and student workshops online t...

Tamara Fyke

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Pandemic Positives Made Permanent

Editor’s note: This is the latest in a monthly series on the impact of Affective Leadership in the school system. Affective leadership is all about working with people, rather than trying to ...

Jamie Bricker


2021: The Road Less Traveled

Now that the year 2020 is over, we should all breathe a sigh of relief. Most of us are hoping that a new year will bring a new, more positive chapter to our lives and those around us. Educators ...

Christy Martin, Ed.D.

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Emotional Intelligence: The Smarter Path to High Achievement

Editor’s Note: This is part three of a three-part series on student wellbeing.   What is social emotional health and how do we define the healthy child? What are some ways that schools ...

Julian Fagan & Ian Fagan

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5 Recommendations for Administrators in 2021: The New Normal is Not Traditional Schooling, it’s Logistics

The Learning Counsel’s Digital Transition Survey 2020 posed many questions aimed at discovering the transition tactics of schools. What was found indicates that most schools consider they are fu...

LeiLani Cauthen


Tech Spending Predictions for America’s Schools in 2021, Amid Enrollment Losses

EdTech spend is expected to increase by $2.4 billion in 2021, up from $35.8 billion to $38.2 billion. 2020 spend by America’s K12 schools was captured by the Learning Counsel’s Digital Transit...

LeiLani Cauthen


Absent Without Leave: America’s Traditional K-12 Learners are Leaving, Costing Schools Hundreds of Millions in Their Wake

Our traditional K-12 students are begging out of attendance at record numbers, often with no notification whatsoever. It’s a trend that began years ago but has accelerated at blinding speed sinc...

Charles Sosnik

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Education is about Relationships

This week I finished reading The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis again. His writings are lifetime favorites, and even though I know how the story goes I uncover something new with each read. At the ...

Tamara Fyke


EduJedi Leadership Society Grants Awards at Learning Counsel’s 2020 National EduJedi Gathering

  (Sacramento, CA December 15, 2020) This year is clearly a landscape shift for educational technologies. It is important to remember how far we have come in only a few decades with technology...

The LC Staff


Equity, Neuroscience and Cognitive Capacity

Editor’s Note: This is part four of a five-part series.   In the fourth article in our series, we turn to the contribution that neuroscience research can make to address equity in educat...

Betsy Hill & Roger Stark


The 2020 Digital Transition Survey Results are in: Just How Large is the K12 Ed-Tech Market?

The U.S. K-12 sector spent $35.8 Billion in 2020 on all things EdTech, including hardware, major software systems, digital curriculum resources and networks, a healthy increase of $7.5 Billion o...

LeiLani Cauthen


Harnessing the Power of Cadence, from the Classroom to the Boardroom

When I first show up to provide leadership coaching or learning sessions for a new client, I spend some time wandering around the facility. There’s a lot to be learned from listening to how peop...

Mac Bogert

Featured Papers

The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.

Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.

Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12
K12 human resources are crucial to utilizing the cloud successfully. Roles and responsibilities have all changed dramatically since the start of the pandemic, and a new trend to move to core co...
An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments
Today’s learning environments have changed markedly from just a couple years ago, prior to the pandemic. Tech devices are comprehensively in both the student and teacher hands, but are they missin...
The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition
Most administrators know there are still gaps remaining in their school or district’s digital transition. Recent studies including the 2021 Digital Transition Surveys for Administrators and Teache...
5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools
How come digital processes seem easier but are often harder to manage? A major shift to digital teaching and learning in schools has developed an additional digital traffic load for teachers and f...
From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency
Seeing the Levels of Chaos Helps Anchor Bringing Order Schools and districts that recently lost 4 percent of students to alternatives continued to lose students in 2021 at an accelerated pace (no...
Hybrid Logistics Security
Your district is a brand, and your network security helps power its reputation. With the accelerated move to hybrid learning environments over the past year, school districts across the nation are...