Featured Articles
10 New Year's Resolutions for Teachers that You Can Still Do
As a teacher, your New Year’s resolutions involve more than the average person. You're running a classroom, keeping up with administrative policies, navigating parents, and trying to attend to y...
James Sanders
Using Technology to Foster Student Wellbeing
Since the start of the pandemic, the incidence of students struggling with anxiety, emotional detachment and mental health issues have increased exponentially. Remote learning has caused isolati...
Ian Fagan & Julian Fagan
Cognitive Learning Strategies: Making Learning More Productive and Efficient
The term cognitive learning is used to characterize specific aspects or theories of learning and generally implies a view of learning that: Relates to conscious understanding rather than beha...
Betsy Hill & Roger Stark
So, What Do We Do Now?
“What do we do now?” This is THE question on the minds and hearts of educators and administrators trying to determine next steps for re-opening schools with only a few months of this current yea...
Tamara Fyke
Overcoming Math Anxiety Through Games
Studies conducted by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have shown that students suffering from math anxiety or phobia have mathematics scores that are 34 points lower t...
Joy Deep Nath, Co-Founder SplashLearn
Miguel Cardona Brings Hope to Position of Secretary of Education
The last twelve months have been tumultuous for families, businesses, schools and teachers. With schools closed in most states for the past 12 months, educators came together district by distric...
Grant Hosford
Using School Data to Design an Effective Hybrid Learning Program
School administrators around the world are trying to ensure students get the instruction and support they need while keeping everyone safe from the coronavirus. In the initial phase of the pande...
Chad Reid
Compensatory Services Strategies in Three Steps
Parents, Extended School Year, and Legal Knowledge are Key
Jenny Barker
Using Historical Moments as Teaching Moments
Every once in a while, history happens. Usually it is something tragic; occasionally it is something to celebrate. It is always noteworthy. All of these are teaching moments. Celebratory times u...
Christy S. Martin, Ed.D.
Unlocking the Ten Keys to Affective School Leadership: Part One
This is the latest article in a monthly series on the impact of Affective Leadership in the school system. Affective leadership is all about working with people, rather than trying to work thro...
Jamie Bricker
Four Personalized Learning Essentials
The past year ushered a seismic shift in the adoption of technology in K–12 education. From Zoom™ to Google Classroom to TikTok ® , teachers and districts across the country invested in tools ...
Glenda Martinez
Don’t Read This unless You’re a Superintendent: Hybrid Learning is Not What you Think
Superintendents nationwide are dealing with unprecedented chaos in attempting to deliver learning. They are not, however, typically rethinking their organizational structure. This is because nea...
LeiLani Cauthen
What You Should Know about Executive Functions
As we learn about the role of cognitive skills in academic performance, we become increasingly aware of the importance of the subset of cognitive skills known as Executive Functions. Executive F...
Betsy Hill & Roger Stark
What a Year it has Been
It’s been a year. A year of closed schools and limited travel, a year of face masks and social distancing, a year of distance learning and friendship pods. It’s been a tough year. A year of love...
Tamara Fyke
Looking to June: Top 5 Priorities for Superintendents
This article is the first in a series, developed in partnership with Dr. Avossa, to help schools address pressing issues for their students now—and plan for ongoing uncertainty (and maybe even ...
Dr. Robert Avossa
Damn the Torpedoes
“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” --Union Admiral David Faragut I guess you don’t have to be a history buff to recognize the quote. “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” It is on...
Charles Sosnik
Three Actions That Will Accelerate Learning in 2021
The past year has stretched and tested educators in previously unimaginable ways. While managing a slew of personal and professional challenges, we witnessed how educators improvised, innovated,...
Ken Tam
The Delicate Question of Teacher Digital Transition
“Let’s make sure we all get one thing very clear. Tech is replacing the old whole-group model , it’s not replacing true human direct instruction. It’s making direct individual instruction a ...
LeiLani Cauthen
Revisiting SAMR in Education: Form Leads Function in the New Reality
Does SAMR continue to meet the need of describing the depth and breadth of change needed in education today?
LeiLani Cauthen
We Need to Treat K-12 Public Schools as An Essential Service
“For the past 6 months, policymakers and the U.S. public have weighed economic against public health considerations in debating what limits to set on individuals and collective behaviors in att...
Franklin Schargel
Featured Papers
The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.
Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.