Featured Articles


Applying a Trauma-Sensitive Approach to a District-Wide Model

With burgeoning awareness of the profound and life-long impacts of childhood trauma, districts across the country are becoming more proactive about caring for students who have suffered trauma a...

Lisa Riggs

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Who Will Teach the Children? The 3 Keys to Building Globally Competitive, World Class Schools

Schools cannot prepare, highly successful graduates if there are not sufficient highly effective educators in school classrooms and in school front offices.

Frank Schargel


Driving Test Score Increase with Comedy

Educator Profile: Kalyan Ray-Mazumder is Acting the Part of a Lifetime

The LC Staff


How to implement STEAM curriculum that makes an impact

More than 75 percent of all jobs will require some expertise in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts Math) within the next decade. But there’s a problem. Only 10 percent of US teacher...

Jamie Turner


Leadership Requires Relationship Technology

TANSTAAFL The industrial revolutions—mid 18 th century, again in the early 19 th century— arrived on waves of new technology. The invention of the steam engine and the sewing machine trans...

Mac Bogert


Just What We Need: Infusing SEL into CTE

“When am I EVER going to use this?” is the classic question that drives teachers crazy. Because of the way education is currently structured, many teachers in regular education don’t have an ans...

Edgar Blunt & Dr. Brett Taylor


Teachers Can Transform Education if We Reinvent Professional Learning

When I propose that it’s possible for teachers to transform education, usually I get pushback like this: “Teachers aren’t known as change agents; they complain but remain compliant even while di...

Thom Markham


What are the Most Popular Classroom Technologies in 2020?

The way of teaching and learning is changing every day. In today’s classrooms, keeping children focused on the content they are studying is a big challenge. Innovative and creative technologies ...

Monica Gill

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Observable Barriers to Real Change in Education

The Learning Counsel conducts Digital Transition Discussion events regionally, in cities across America. At a recent event in our nation’s capital, an informal roundtable discussion was convened...

Charles Sosnik


Close the Achievement Gap: 5 Specific Strategies

A key facet of instructional leadership is addressing and closing the achievement gap. There are two reasons that principals should lead the charge to close the achievement gap. First, it is the...

Barbara R. Blackburn and Ron Williamson


The Digital Transformation of Literacy Education

How teaching reading has (and hasn’t) changed over the past 30 years.

Tyson Smith


Administrators: How to Sell SEL to Teachers

Although SEL is considered one of the hottest topics in education, there is still a need for educators to understand why it is important. In a world full of increased uncertainty and trauma, man...

Tamara Fyke


The Looming Teacher Shortage: What’s a Superintendent to Do?

In December of 2019 the US Department of Labor confirmed that the number of teachers that schools across the country are short is 300,000.A year ago when we here at the E Squared Group put toget...

Jacqueline Gordon


First EduJedi Training Orientation Video is Now Available to Everyone

  The Learning Counsel’s EduJedi Leadership Society is an existing community of over 1,000 Schools and Districts that annually attend Digital Discussions meetings, as well as more than 215,000...

The LC Staff


Who will Teach the Children?

Part One: Where We Are Now

Frank Schargel


Want More Tech-Savvy Kids: Stop Fighting Technology

I have a crazy idea. What if we stopped fighting technology? Instead of punishing our students for bringing their phones to class, what if we allowed their phones?  I asked my college-aged son...

Tamara Fyke

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Education Needs to Push the Hard-Reset Button

The current public education system has stagnated. The information and technology explosion has exposed a behemoth that is not able to pivot and adapt. Without massive action, the United States ...

Matt Ridenour


Beyond the Science Experiment: Building Soft Skills with AR and VR

As augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) learning experiences become increasingly common in K-12 classrooms, the value this technology brings to STEM and Career and Technical Education...

Joe Parlier, Ed.D.


For the Educator-Entrepreneur in the New Year

Some words of advice for those of you who are working a side hustle or starting a new business:

Charles Sosnik


The Learning Counsel’s 2019 National Digital Curriculum Strategy Survey Yielded Surprising Results

Highest pressure now coming from students’ social and emotional needs

The LC Staff

Featured Papers

The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.

Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.

Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12
K12 human resources are crucial to utilizing the cloud successfully. Roles and responsibilities have all changed dramatically since the start of the pandemic, and a new trend to move to core co...
An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments
Today’s learning environments have changed markedly from just a couple years ago, prior to the pandemic. Tech devices are comprehensively in both the student and teacher hands, but are they missin...
The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition
Most administrators know there are still gaps remaining in their school or district’s digital transition. Recent studies including the 2021 Digital Transition Surveys for Administrators and Teache...
5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools
How come digital processes seem easier but are often harder to manage? A major shift to digital teaching and learning in schools has developed an additional digital traffic load for teachers and f...
From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency
Seeing the Levels of Chaos Helps Anchor Bringing Order Schools and districts that recently lost 4 percent of students to alternatives continued to lose students in 2021 at an accelerated pace (no...
Hybrid Logistics Security
Your district is a brand, and your network security helps power its reputation. With the accelerated move to hybrid learning environments over the past year, school districts across the nation are...