Featured Articles


Six myths about adverse childhood experiences and trauma

No, adverse childhood experiences are not the same as trauma, and not all children respond to adversity with trauma — some respond with resilience.

Marc D. Hauser


Student Burnout: Addressing the Growing Epidemic

In recent years, student burnout—which is the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress, often tied to academic pressures—has become an alarming and ...

Hunter Wesolowski


Shared Office, Separate Tests: Why Collaboration is key in the Identification and Intervention for Children with Dyslexia

It may sound obvious, but it is important for school psychologists (SP) and speech language pathologists (SLP) to work together in the diagnosis of dyslexia, since they are both integral exam...

Andrew Shanock, PhD, NCSP


Innovations in Classroom Tech: Insights from the 10th Annual National Awards

The 10th Annual National Awards event recently convened a dynamic Product Trends Panel focusing on Classroom Technology, featuring industry leaders Craig Justice, Executive Vice President of...

Doug Cauthen


Driving Educational Innovation: Insights from the Product Trends Panel

Innovation is at the heart of transforming education, and recent discussions at the Product Trends Panel, hosted by LeiLani Cauthen, CEO of Learning Counsel, provided a platform for industry...

Doug Cauthen


Celebrating Excellence: Insights from National School and District Recognition

In the pursuit of educational excellence, it's essential to recognize and celebrate the remarkable achievements and initiatives driving positive change within our school districts. Rece...

Doug Cauthen


Empowering Student Learning: Insights from the Digital Curriculum Product Trends Panel

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the integration of digital curriculum plays a pivotal role in shaping engaging and personalized learning experiences for students. The recent Pro...

Doug Cauthen


Anticipating the Future of Education: Insights from the Predictions Panel at Learning Counsel's 10th Annual National Event

As we stand at the precipice of a new era in education, it's essential to examine the pressures and challenges that are propelling schools towards a transformative future. The Predictio...

Doug Cauthen

Event News

Biggest Takeaways – Remembering TCEA For You

Hi again ya’ll! I thought I’d catch Learning Counsel readers up on the big takeaways from the TCEA conference this Spring, finally. First, the weather was great if you noticed it. Mostly att...

LeiLani Cauthen

Event News

Learning Counsel Unveils Key Insights at the 10th Annual K-12 Strategies Survey Results & Awards Event

Benton, AR, Feb. 5, 2024 – The Learning Counsel, a pioneering organization at the forefront of educational transformation, successfully concluded its 10th Annual Digital Transitions Survey Re...

Doug Cauthen


What We've Learned After the Launch of ChatGPT

Following the one year anniversary of OpenAI’s publicly accessible generative AI writing tool, ChatGPT, now is an excellent time to examine how it has influenced education. As a principal and s...

Patti West-Smith

Event News

10th Annual Digital Transition Survey Awards

Benton, AR, Feb. 2nd, 2024 – Learning Counsel Research recognized Cobb County School District, Georgia with its Sustainable Tech Practices Award during the 10th Annual Learning Leadership natio...

Doug Cauthen


Four Ways State Education Leaders Can Improve Math Achievement

Even though reading curricula and achievement are currently the top educational priorities across much of the U.S., math achievement has declined worse than reading as a result of the pandem...

Tim Hudson


Higher Learning is Preparing for the World of AI

Five hundred years ago, Nicolaus Copernicus posited a heliocentric model that stated the Earth evolved around the sun. He published his handwritten manuscript in 1543, setting off what some ...

Kiran Kodithala and Lee Lambert

Event News

Biggest Takeaways – Remembering FETC For You

Hi ya’ll! Legitimately now living in Arkansas, I have local permission to use ya’ll whenever I want. Being in the south first for the FETC event and then TCEA this Spring, I thought I’d catch L...

LeiLani Cauthen


STEM for All: Defining "All" in the Context of Inclusive Education

What do we mean when we say that we want all students participating in STEM education? When we speak about "STEM for All," it's crucial to clarify the breadth and depth of &quo...

Jason McKenna


10 Different Ways to Encourage Youth Entrepreneurship

In 2010, world-renowned education and innovation expert, the late and great Sir Ken Robinson released a short animated film, titled Changing Education Paradigms . In the video, Robinson ar...

Robyn D. Shulman


If You’ve Read One IEP, Have You Read Them All?

“If you’ve read one IEP, you’ve read them all.” It may not be literally true, but there is a strong feeling among many parents and teachers that the “individualized” part of an Individualized...

Betsy Hill and Roger Stark


Speak Life to Yourself This New Year

New Year…new you. New Year…new goals. We are inundated with messages about the necessity of goal setting. But I’m not feeling it…at all. The forced nature of this cultural observance holds no...

Tamara Fyke


Bringing Back the Joy of Teaching: Unique Voices to Help You Thrive

When schools closed throughout the country for the past few years, teachers had to learn how to teach from afar and figure out different ways to support the needs of all their students and pa...

Robyn D. Shulman

Featured Papers

The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.

Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.

Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12
K12 human resources are crucial to utilizing the cloud successfully. Roles and responsibilities have all changed dramatically since the start of the pandemic, and a new trend to move to core co...
An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments
Today’s learning environments have changed markedly from just a couple years ago, prior to the pandemic. Tech devices are comprehensively in both the student and teacher hands, but are they missin...
The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition
Most administrators know there are still gaps remaining in their school or district’s digital transition. Recent studies including the 2021 Digital Transition Surveys for Administrators and Teache...
5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools
How come digital processes seem easier but are often harder to manage? A major shift to digital teaching and learning in schools has developed an additional digital traffic load for teachers and f...
From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency
Seeing the Levels of Chaos Helps Anchor Bringing Order Schools and districts that recently lost 4 percent of students to alternatives continued to lose students in 2021 at an accelerated pace (no...
Hybrid Logistics Security
Your district is a brand, and your network security helps power its reputation. With the accelerated move to hybrid learning environments over the past year, school districts across the nation are...