Gale In Context: Literature is a resource for literature instruction and learning that helps high schoolers engage and thrive in English Language Arts (ELA). Designed with high school students in mind, it provides learners with the context they need to engage and form personal connections with a wide variety of literature, from traditional texts to diverse new voices. Educators can easily connect students to standards-based resources that provide the literary context necessary to ensure student understanding of the texts they’re reading in ELA lessons. This sparks greater interest in literature, enabling teachers to facilitate meaningful interactions that inspire more compelling classroom discussions.
Gale In Context: Literature organizes an array of high-quality literary resources into one easy-to-use, searchable platform, complete with accessibility and navigation tools. Topic pages offer scaffolded, age-appropriate overviews of literary works including primary sources from the author’s world. The materials include 300+ essential question prompts that stimulate student curiosity, frame the content, and offer a launching point for student research. Users will also find a robust multimedia collection of videos, images, infographics, podcasts and more. By helping students connect with a variety of literature, Gale In Context: Literature creates deeper learning experiences that deliver better ELA learning outcomes.
Formats/platforms used:
Gale In Context: Literature is a web-based app that can be used on any computer or tablet. It is integrated with Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Microsoft OneDrive, enabling teachers to easily export resources and share them with students on other platforms. Gale In Context: Literature is also LTI 1.0 certified and may be installed in any similarly certified learning management system.

Primary website URL:
Problem solved:
Literature instruction has grown far broader than grammar, vocabulary, and reading traditional texts. Educators need a solution to contextualize literary works from both the past and present day. Gale In Context: Literature organizes an array of high-quality resources into one easy-to-use, searchable platform to help high school students learn about both traditional and non-traditional literature.
Grade/age range:
Gale In Context: Literature was designed to meet the needs of educators and students in grades 9-12, with a primary focus on high school students.
Special needs:
Gale In Context: Literature features accessibility tools to support ELL students and those with other special learning needs. Tools include translation, text-to-speech technology, adjustable text size for increased visibility, and optimization for keyboard and assistive technology navigation.

Gale In Context: Literature focuses on English Language Arts (ELA).
Lesson time needed:
Gale In Context: Literature can be used in a variety of settings and is designed to support anywhere from short 5-10 minute assignments to full lesson and unit plans.
Pricing model:
Gale In Context: Literature is subscription-based and calculated using full-time enrolment. Special pricing is available for existing Gale Literature Resource Center and Gale In Context: For Educators customers.

Additional services:
Gale provides professional development, product training, and ongoing account support through a dedicated customer success team.
What makes Gale In Context: Literature unique?
When students are free to study literature that resonates with them, they can connect to texts on a deeper level. Student interest fuels literacy, drives better comprehension, helps develop literary analysis skills, and improves ELA learning outcomes.
Gale In Context: Literature makes it easy for educators to help learners engage and thrive in English Language Arts by offering more depth and breadth in literature content. Students can explore materials covering diverse, relevant writers―from classic to contemporary authors and poets to non-traditional genres like graphic novels.
Gale in Context: Literature is designed with student use in mind. Information is presented in a scaffolded manner to ensure that students are never overwhelmed and are in the optimal zone of proximal development. Essential questions, related topics, and various content types are designed to support inquiry-based learning and foster students' curiosity. Similarly, Gale In Context: Literature was developed with the principles of Universal Design for Learning in mind, emphasizing multiple means of representation, action, expression, and engagement.
Here's what users are saying:
“I saw a way that I could collaborate with my colleagues more efficiently, get resources to students, and make it more effective and personalized for their learning.”
—Teacher, Central York High School, Pennsylvania
“Our students no longer have to rely on YouTube videos to get information for their research papers.”
– Vicki Andrews-Gilmore, Director of DEI, PA Virtual Charter School