Dysolve®, an autonomous AI system, has corrected dyslexia, a learning disability that was previously thought to be lifelong. Dyslexia is a reading difficulty that affects 20% of the world’s population. It is due to processing inefficiencies in the brain. Dysolve® AI locates these inefficiencies by creating games that activate targeted brain processes during gameplay. Then Dysolve® AI captures key data on these brain processes in the user’s game responses and creates new games to correct these inefficiencies.
Dysolve® AI, custom-built by EduNational LLC, has corrected these inefficiencies in past users to enable them to read on grade level. During beta testing, struggling readers advanced from below the 25% in state and standardized reading tests to above the 50%.
Dysolve® is a cloud-based program in which users simply log in and play the games created for them. Parents or teachers of users can track children’s progress on their dashboards.
The program is plug and play, with no installations, downloads, upgrades or adult assistance needed.
Formats and platforms:
HTML5 games are played on the student’s device using Chrome or Firefox browser. The Dysolve® program is cloud-based so students can log into dysolve.com with userid/pw from any school/classroom (or home). Laptops are recommended, including Windows, MacBooks and Chromebooks.

Problem solved:
Dysolve® corrects language processing inefficiencies that result in a variety of learning difficulties, including dyslexia (reading), dysgraphia (writing), and dyscalculia (math). Students who have difficulty processing language may miss early math instruction in class and thus fail to build the requisite math foundation. Dysolve® helps to clear these difficulties.
Age or grade ranges:
Because Dysolve® AI builds a program specifically for each user, it can accommodate any age from kindergarten onwards. Children and adults can use Dysolve®.
Address special needs:
Learning disabilities: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia
Subject, topic, standards:
Subject: Reading intervention, Literacy
Standards: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1
Illinois-National Data Privacy Agreement V1.0a
IES standards for clinical trials
Lesson time needed:
15-30 min/day, 3-5 days/wk
Pricing models:
Annual school contract @$1K/pupil
Or monthly subscription @$100/pupil
Additional services included/needed:
24/7 Tech support inclusive
What makes Dysolve unique:
Unlike other game-based educational programs, Dysolve® does not use prebuilt games.
Dysolve’s autonomous game creation technology is patented. Dysolve® AI creates new games for every user at every session so as to accommodate the wide individual differences in the population. It has succeeded in getting older struggling readers with dyslexia to read on grade level, which has not been possible with other programs.
Dysolve® implements ID principles by ensuring that the games are short enough to maintain student’s attention while also ensuring that all student responses (whether correct or incorrect) are utilized in the Dysolve® AI decision-making. Incorporating videos, animations, and other interactive elements into the games makes the learning experience both engaging and enjoyable for students. The games have intuitive interfaces that are easy to use and navigate.
And of utmost importance is the principle of data use. Dysolve® AI utilizes every student response during every Dysolve® game in order to track student progress and employ real-time game creation for each student. Furthermore, the student data is used to generate, in real-time, the Evaluation Reports, Progress Reports, and student Notifications for the Teacher (or Parent) Dashboards where they can observe the student’s progress, actual gameplay minutes, and results.
Dysolve® uses HTML5 games that are easy to access and beautiful in appearance. They are simple to use, don’t require instruction or assistance, and are easily navigable. Thus, students can use the games without teacher supervision, daily instruction, and any assistance.

Here’s what users are saying:
College Professor: “My son was reading at grade level less than half a year after starting Dysolve®. Dysolve’s targeted activities can benefit learners on the margins and pull them into grade-level performance in a precise and efficient way.”
– Kevin G., son used Dysolve® in 3rd grade
Speech-Language Pathologist: “Dysolve® was different from the other programs--it got progressively harder. It’s helping their brains to learn something new and to develop.”
– Vicki B., 3 family members used Dysolve® in grades 1, 2, and 5
Elementary School Teacher: “It’s hard to think of her as that little girl who was defeated when I first met her…But not now, not anymore. She’s going to go out and grab the world by storm.”
– Jeanne S., teacher of student who used Dysolve® in 4th grade