Eduthings addresses the data and reporting needs of Career & Technical Education (CTE) leaders. Recently launched nationwide by iCEV, the online platform acts as an all-in-one command center allowing CTE educators and administrators to securely manage, analyze, and report on CTE data related to industry-based certifications, work-based learning, career and technical student organizations (CTSOs), advisory boards, inventory, and more.
Formats/platforms used:
Eduthings is an online platform that can be accessed using any operating system or device. It is compatible with the majority of today’s student information systems (SIS).
Primary URL:
Problem solved:
School- and district-level CTE leaders are increasingly being asked to collect and report on more student data, which is often a complicated, manual process requiring a lot of time.
Eduthings solves this issue. It allows CTE leaders to more efficiently—and effectively—collect, manage, and analyze CTE data. This, in turn, ensures CTE leaders are meeting the reporting requirements of funding programs, helps better inform their decision-making process, and further strengthens their CTE programs as they use data to focus on improving student outcomes.
The platform specifically includes the ability to collect, analyze, and share CTE data based on courses, programs of study, students, teachers, and more, as well as to consolidate reporting based on CTE program indicators such as CTE completers/concentrators and CTSO participation. Eduthings additionally helps administrators develop reports for various compliance regulations, including those for Perkins V CLNA, state accountability, school and advisory boards, and more.
Grade/age range:
Eduthings is designed specifically for any CTE educator or administrator at the school or district level.
Does your product address core/supplemental/special needs/extracurricular/professional development?
Supplemental/extracurricular/special needs
Subject or topic:
Eduthings can be used for all CTE-related subject areas to streamline the data management process for CTE program leaders.
Lesson time required:
Eduthings streamlines the complex process of data collection, reporting, and analysis for CTE leaders. By improving these workflows, educators and administrators can save valuable time, allowing them to focus more on enhancing the student experience and improving student outcomes.
Pricing model:
Eduthings offers a comprehensive district-wide solution tailored to the needs of CTE administrators, teachers, and students. Pricing is based on the number of high schools within a district.

Additional services:
The iCEV team works hand-in-hand with each district's administration, IT team, and educators to successfully implement Eduthings in the district. This includes online support and onboarding/training opportunities for both new and current users to enhance the user experience and ensure proper use of the platform.
All Eduthings users additionally have access to iCEV’s leading customer support and service throughout the year. The iCEV team has decades of technical expertise and is committed to ensuring the success of CTE programs.
No additional technologies are needed for CTE leaders to utilize the platform.
What makes Eduthings unique?
Eduthings is designed specifically for CTE and to meet the unique needs of CTE educators and students. This robust platform allows CTE leaders to easily and securely collect data, report on that data to comply with laws and regulations, track student achievement, and improve student outcomes, all while measuring the overall effectiveness of their CTE program as a whole.
Eduthings recently launched nationwide and is now available to support CTE programs across the country starting in the 2024-25 school year and beyond.

Following Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Eduthings is an all-in-one platform designed for educators and administrators. It is grounded in instructional design for adult learners following the Adult Learning Theory (M. Knowles), specifically for problem-based learning and cognitive flexibility.
The platform provides a simplified and easy-to-use way for CTE leaders to collect and analyze CTE data, allowing districts to make data-driven decisions regarding their CTE programs. Using that data, the platform generates reports and graphs representing course completions, industry certifications earned, work-based learning hours, and CSTO participation at the individual, course, grade, concentrator/completer, campus, and district levels. Users can view higher-level information, like program performance and retention reports, as well as more basic information, such as enrollment in their CTE programs and demographics of students enrolled. CTE vs. non-CTE student performance comparisons are also available.
Eduthings reinforces problem-based learning by providing pertinent data, information, and insights to keep educators and administrators engaged and using the platform. The platform also supports real-life problem solving by providing the data and insights needed for CTE leaders to make informed decisions within their daily work.
Additionally, Eduthings supports cognitive flexibility by providing data, insights, and compliance reporting to simplify administrators’ daily job requirements and enhance student outcomes. Eduthings allows districts to tie insights to actions by interconnecting, building on, and providing new information to keep users continuously engaged and learning.
Here's what users are saying:
“Simplifying CTE data tracking is important to us, especially when it comes to tracking industry-based certifications in one, unified place, and Eduthings is very practical and easy for everyone to use. Once you start training a teacher on how to use Eduthings, it doesn’t take them very much time at all to be able to use it on their own. It’s very intuitive. Overall, I’m really impressed not only by how much easier Eduthings makes our teachers’ lives, but also my own as an administrator.”
– Coleman Bruman, CTE director of Garland Independent School District in Garland, Texas