There is a mental health crisis in America; the Surgeon General has identified an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. Young people are most impacted, and technology is driving us further apart. Physical interaction and proper breathing are the two keys to mental wellbeing. However, it can be overwhelming to find simple ways to engage with youth, but The HuddLUp Games App makes it easy by providing over 1000 games that encourage healthy engagement and designed to help with developmental traits. These games can be played anywhere, with any number of players, of any age. Create better engagement and solve problems with play, using the HuddLUp Games App. Even 10 minutes per day can make a huge difference in a young person’s life. Play is the first step to improving mental wellbeing and HuddLUp makes it easy. Games on the app can be sorted by number of players, ages, traits, and time, so that you can find dozens of options that will fit with the young people in your life. All of the games can be played with everyday objects, or require nothing at all, so there’s no excuse not to play!

Formats/platforms used:
The app is available on the Apple App store. The HuddLUp Classroom Program is in 100 classes and continuing to grow (more info on We also are providing valuable content on YouTube (
Primary website URL:
Problem solved:
Loneliness and isolation are serious issues that affect a large part of our country, but specifically young people. COVID, Technology, and societal changes have increased the need for mental health support. Most mass killers have identified loneliness and isolation as the root of their violence; our founder learned this firsthand after meeting with the shooter who killed two students in his school. HuddLUp has been specifically designed to improve relationships and eliminate the feeling of loneliness and isolation. It builds a foundation for better mental health.

Grade/age range:
Our app works well for all students in grades Preschool-12.
Core or supplemental:
The HuddLUp program is showing signs of reducing the need to remove children from class due to behavior issues. It also can serve as a powerful extension to SEL (Social and emotional learning) curriculum, and in some cases even serve as the core SEL program.
We align with Social and Emotional Learning program and physical education.
Lesson time needed:
HuddLUp games can be as short as 5 minutes, although we recommend 15 to 30 minute sessions.
Pricing model:
The App is $4.99. Teachers can become certified in our Classroom Program for $500 and it is $2500 to add a program facilitator to a classroom for a full year.
Additional services needed:
In addition to our app, we provide a classroom model where our Program Facilitators lead classes in HuddLUp games and breathing exercises for 30-minute weekly sessions throughout the year. Breathing is a critical component to long term success with HuddLUp and our trained staff are able to quickly take classes through a session and end with the class more engaged and ready to learn, as well as feeling more connected to those around them and comfortable with themselves.
What makes HuddLUp unique?
One unique thing about our app is that it is designed to provide a break from technology. What’s most unique is also most simple: we are using play as a solution for mental wellbeing.
The app is very easy to navigate; it’s like a digital card box of more than 1000 games. You can use the filter to find games, or browse the full library. Each game has a simple set of instructions and details about what is needed to play the game.
Here’s what users are saying:
"HuddLUp has been fabulous!! My kids look forward to it and are always asking, “What day is Jim coming?” Thank you for providing this opportunity for classrooms and kids!”
- Kara Linz, Cold Spring Elementary
“I’d say it’s not only the team building, laughter, and movement, but it also helps after their scheduled time. They are more focused and engaged in the time immediately after our huddle up time.”
- Brian Kothrade CSE
“They’re able to put into practice social emotional skills that we are learning through our SEL curriculum. I’ve seen progress in the way they treat each other, lose, face social decisions and pressures. I’ve also watched students love each other better as they’ve grown in relationship through the games and activities that HuddLUp provides. For the app - we love it! It is so helpful to have all the games in one place. A piece of feedback would be an opportunity to favorite the games that we’ve played and enjoyed so that we could easily find them again. It would be cool if we had a personal page or account tab so that the games we’ve played are saved on there and we can save our preferences so games that fit in to what we’re looking for are easily accessible. Also more filter options… “no additional resources needed” “whole group games” “small group games” things like that!”
- Korissa Koenig, CSE