itslearning, the leading K12 learning management system (LMS), today announced that it has achieved IMS Global Conformance Certification for the Question and Test Interoperability (QTI)®v2.1 standard.

The IMS Global QTI v2.1 supports the use of digital assessment items, item banks and tests from diverse sources within a single learning or assessment delivery system, so itslearning users can easily import items from other sections of the system into their courses. In addition, QTI supports the deployment of item banks across a wide range of systems, allowing users to import assessment content from other QTI certified companies such as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

“Our certification for QTI v2.1 means that users can depend on our LMS as a delivery tool, right down to being able to expect consistency in the way test results are reported, regardless of whether the assessment items were imported or exported,” said Bailey Mitchell, Chief Academic Officer, itslearning. “We are dedicated to implementing IMS Global Learning Consortium’s standards, and this certification is the latest seal of approval in a long line that enables itslearning’s effective ‘plug and play’ integration with other IMS Global certified vendors.”

Last year, itslearning earned certification for IMS Global QTI 1.2 and 2.2, which enables test authoring tools, item banks, test construction tools, learning platforms, assessment delivery systems and scoring/analytics engines to exchange item and test content as well as results data. The system was also certified for Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) 1.0 and LTI v1.1, which allows content providers to update online content in real time so that schools always have the most current content right at hand.

The itslearning LMS platform also achieved conformance certification for the OneRoster v1.1® standard, which streamlines the way districts send lists of their teachers, students and courses to their different vendors along with assignment score passback for teachers using itslearning for their learning management system. When teachers update scores in itslearning, they will be reflected in their Student Information Gradebook, as well as IMS Global Common Cartridge® 1.2 and Thin Common Cartridge® v1.3, which allows for flexible combinations of learning resources in an assessment-rich and collaboration-rich environment.

Designed specifically for the K-12 market, itslearning continues to lead the learning management system industry as a cloud-based, best-in-class solution for curriculum management and content integration. Its intuitive LMS features –– including curriculum management, communication, collaboration and analytics reporting –– effectively connect teachers, parents, and students to create differentiated learning solutions for every student.