Superintendents skew younger, but diversity remains elusive – By Kara Arundel, K-12 Dive
Superintendents over the past 10 years are, on average, younger and making more money than in the past, according to a survey released by AASA, The School Superintendents Association, on Friday.
Nationally, the superintendency is still largely White and male, indicating room for progress in terms of diversity in districts’ top leadership position.The survey, which touched on several data points, showed about 89% of superintendents identified as White in 2022 compared to 94% in 2012.
Nearly 90% of survey respondents said they plan to continue their current superintendency next school year, while the rest said they would retire, leave education, work in a different district, or work in private education. Stability in districts’ top education role is a positive sign among worrisome teacher vacancies and academic recovery efforts as federal COVID-19 funds near an end.

Maryland DOE releases annual statewide report card, more than half of schools retain gold stars – By Ciara Wells, WTOP News
For the first time since the pandemic, Maryland’s State Department of Education has issued its annual report card, complete with star ratings for each school.
The report card system includes student achievement growth on state tests in English language, arts, math, postsecondary readiness, proficiency for English language learners, graduation rate and a well-rounded curriculum.
The data for the 2021-2022 school year shows that 63% of the state’s public schools held onto their 2019 ratings, one quarter lost a star, and 139 schools gained a star. By a different measure, the MSDE reported that 75% of schools earned three or more stars.

These rural NC school districts are tackling the teacher shortage in an innovative way – By Cheyenne Mc Neill, EdNC
Sabrina Reeves is the Clinton High School (CHS) 2022-2023 teacher of the year.
She’s a co-chair for the prom committee and chair for the Miss Clinton High School pageant.
She serves on the School Improvement Team and as the advisor for the Fellowship of Christian Students.
And since August 2022, Reeves has been remotely teaching Math IV classes to students at John A. Holmes High School (JAHHS) in Edenton 150 miles away – while simultaneously teaching students in her classroom at CHS.
Finding ways to tackle the teacher shortage
As the 2022-2023 school year drew close, Dr. Michael Sasscer knew he needed to find a qualified teacher to teach Math IV at JAHHS, rather than hiring a long-term substitute teacher to fill the vacancy. Sasscer, Edenton-Chowan Public Schools‘ superintendent, said it became apparent he needed to look “across district lines.”
“If we can work with teachers synchronously, we’re no longer bound geographically,” Sasscer said. “And if we have somebody who’s excellent and willing to work with more kids and build a relationship from afar, then we could give access to high-quality teachers.”

Bill seeks cameras in certain classrooms to ‘protect’ students with disabilities – Rocio Hernandez, Nevada Independent
Sen. Scott Hammond (R-Las Vegas) wants public schools to install cameras in every classroom in which a majority of students receive special education services.
Under the bill, SB158, schools would be required to record video and audio in those classrooms throughout the regular school day. Written notice of the cameras would be given to every person who would likely be recorded, as well as to parents and guardians of students in recorded classrooms.
“What I'm asking for in this particular bill is really to try and protect those kids who are nonverbal, who aren't really able to communicate what's been going on with them in the classroom,” Hammond said about the concept, which has been introduced in at least two prior legislative sessions but never approved.
Schools would be required to retain the recordings for at least 45 days from the date they were made. The audio and footage would only be accessible in certain situations such as legal proceedings launched by the parent or guardian of a student, certain complaints or investigations, possible criminal activity and subpoenas.