The use of secure and advanced digital tools is critical for schools, colleges, government agencies and other learning institutions to create effective and engaging learning experiences. A multi-functional platform that incorporates the core segments of a virtual learning foundation offers multiple benefits to not only learners, but instructors and administrators.

EdTech and virtual learning solutions offer schools and agencies a seamless experience – with tools that are secure, easy to use, readily accessible, and highly flexible.


Core pieces of a seamless learning platform

Schools and agencies can select a number of cloud-based, secure tools that can work together to form a complete solution that fits the needs of their organization. These key elements are useful for online and virtual learning activities as well as assessment and administrative functions. 

Core elements that typically comprise these solutions include: 

A Learning Management System (LMS) - An all-in-one comprehensive platform that typically provides course content and access; interaction with instructors/students; assessments, feedback, reporting, progress, administration and enrollment. A robust LMS also offers integrations with other vital virtual learning tools, including video solutions, scheduling, collaboration and business tools.

A video learning solution – Also called a video classroom, accommodates synchronous and asynchronous learning. Today’s cutting-edge video classrooms are cloud-based solutions that offer API-driven integrations and allow web content sharing. Safety and security are a priority for conducting classes as well as collaborative activities such as screensharing. Video classroom solutions that offer advanced security and seamless connections are most effective to protect identities and data, particularly for government agencies and industries such as healthcare and financial services. The most secure video classroom solutions offer true end-to-end security that meets the latest TLS standards up to and including TLS 1.3 on all platforms. 

Digital collaboration tools - Solutions that offer highly engaging, face-to-face experiences that replicate key communication elements of the in-person classroom. Over the last two years, the benefits of digital communication tools are evident. As a recent K-12 education report noted, “Ed tech that promotes collaboration and robust classroom discussion can also create an atmosphere where students develop agency over their own learning — and, in turn, creates a context for strengthening relationships.”


Key benefits to a comprehensive seamless platform

When schools or agencies incorporate a seamless solutions platform for their virtual learning, training, or L&D programs, they can offer a more elevated experience to learners and other participants. Several specific benefits work for all levels of education – from primary K-12 education to corporate training programs. Some of the key benefits include:

Flexibility and Accessibility

Best in class LMS, video and collaboration tools work on multiple devices – including computers, tablets and smartphones – to meet user and student preferences. With adaptive digital tools, students who need more accessibility have more options. 

Special education professionals recently reported that digital and virtual learning have created benefits for special education students post-pandemic, as virtual learning tools have been able to augment and supplement in-classroom learning

Expanded availability of higher education

When comprehensive learning technology extends beyond virtual classroom and direct learning activities, higher education can reach more students. For example, virtual learning can be a good option for students who find it difficult to attend in-person classes due to proximity, daytime employment, or other factors. Comprehensive platforms also allow colleges and universities to offer virtual advising, general support, administrative tasks, enrollment, and counseling services. 

Meanwhile, according to Deloitte, recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education shows that blended or hybrid learning models can be more effective than more conventional models. Data from the Center for Digital Education reports that “blended or hybrid education models improve comprehension and test scores for 84 percent of students… These models blend elements of “brick-and-mortar,” in-person instruction with asynchronous, self-paced online learning.

Allow for a customized learning portal or solution

When LMS and video solutions are easy to integrate using APIs, or an API-driven, low-code foundation, schools and business organizations can customize their learning platforms to meet the exact needs of their training or education environments. For example, government agencies and corporate organizations that need to design learning portals with specific protocols can rely on solutions that offer API integrations. 

Organizations can incorporate features that they need or want, instead of having to rely on “out of the box” software, including video and collaboration tools. With advanced cloud solutions, organizations can extend their virtual learning platforms to areas such as corporate onboarding and client presentations. 

Customizable solutions also provide the ability to brand their product to the organization’s branding, including color scheme, logos, and a complete offering where the solution becomes identifiable as a seamless extension of the organization’s own offering. 

Learning platform solutions in all of the above options will enhance the institution’s offering to learners, educators and IT administrators, providing the best in integration and performance for all. 


About the author

Allen Drennan, CTO & Co-Founder, Lumicademy (