Terri Vest, Dean of Students at River Valley Technical Center, part of the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative  has been a national board certified teacher for over 20 years. According to Vest, “I was an early certifier, and we have a saying in our group, ‘a person who does the work, does the learning.’ And that's what I thought about a lot. I feel like in a lot of ways, as educators, particularly teachers, we've taken on the bulk of the work of learning. And therefore, we learn a lot, but I'm not sure sometimes how much our students learn. One of the things I'm going to talk about is time management, because we have not taught them how to manage their time for things. And we see it this year with kids who are not in school all day, the work's not done. They don't show up for the Zoom because they forgot. There's all these different things because we've been doing that work for them.”

This is a time for student agency, and it is incumbent upon us to help students take charge of their learning. Watch this enlightening discussion with Terri Vest and LeiLani Cauthen, CEO and Publisher at the Learning Counsel.