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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

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Teacher Digital Learning Experience Standards – Mix of Digital Design Elements

  Devices and low-level office suites aren’t really the digital students were hoping for, being used to high-value virtual game worlds and easy-button navigation. If you want achievement, your...

Teacher Digital Learning Experience Standards – Filing, Tagging, Naming

  Leading a digital class has new Standards and some of them are protocols of filing, tagging, and naming things that replace the filing cabinets in the back of your room. Lots to discuss here...

Administrative Digital Learning Experience Standards – Working Towards Digital Pathways

  There’s a new Standard in town, and it’s about bringing order to digital pathways. Real personalization is happening outside of schools with digital mixing of resources, and your brand needs...

Pushing Innovation in Spite of a Pandemic

  Everyone can use a little inspiration, and at Poway Unified School District, they have more than enough to go around. Poway’s mission, “Inspiring passion and preparing every student to thriv...

So Ca - About New Responsibilities for Leaders - Review the EduJedi Digital Learning Experience Standards

  Chris McMurray is the Vice President of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel. In this presentation, McMurray will share the responsibilities leaders now have based on today’s (and tomo...

So Ca - Lessons Learned in Our Digital Transition - Guest Educator Panel

  This Guest Educator Panel features two of California’s brightest and best, Scott Spector, Coordinator of Innovation and Academic Events for the Santa Barbara County Education Office and Elle...

So Ca - New leadership

  In addition to the obvious inconveniences and hardships related to the pandemic, Pomona United School District found enormous opportunity to provide training to their teachers, administrator...

So Ca - Leadership vs. Systemic Inequities – the Hybrid Models Workshop

  According to Dr. Stacey Perez, Principal at the Classical Academy High School in Southern California, “It's actually been an incredible evolution of our existing students stepping up. Like t...

Leadership & Model Shifts

  In this Special Guest Educator Speaker series, Scott Spector, Coordinator of Innovation and Academic Events in the Santa Barbara County Education Office shares some of the challenges and sol...

Guest Educator Panel – Lessons Learned in Our Digital Transition

  One of the most popular features of our digital transition series is the Guest Educator Panel. In this year’s Southern California Panel, the gloves came off and all issues were on the table....

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