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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

So Ca - "Solve Your Top Three Digital Learning Challenges: Access, Engagement, and Rostering"

  Everyone can agree that ClassLink has been a major help to schools and districts during the pandemic. And now that the pandemic seems to be winding down to some degree, ClassLink is proving ...

So Ca Lunch & Learn - Vital Source

  Our Lunch and Learn presentations give the Learning Counsel the opportunity to recommend technology and programs that our districts urgently need. This Lunch and Learn, presented by Robyn Nu...

So Ca - Ed-Tech Market Briefing Update & Intro to "Learning Leadership vs. Systemic Inequities"

  According to LeiLani Cauthen, CEO and Publisher at The Learning Counsel Delivers her Market Briefing, “This is the generation, even the parents, they grew up on their iPhones. They're expect...

Administrative Digital Learning Experience Standards – Leading Knowledge Inventory

  You’re supposed to be the boss, but just this once, indulge someone else telling you there are standards even for you. These standards for school administrations impart the new professional ...

Digital Instructional Design – Teacher Challenge

  We double-dare you! Take the Instructional Design Challenge and create at least one lesson using each of the two modalities. Participating teachers entering the challenge have a chance to wi...

Digital Instructional Design – Discovery Design vs. Addies

  How about leaving the Industrial Age behind when it comes to designing instruction? Digital Instructional Design holds great promise to drive vastly improved student agency. Curated resource...

Digital Instructional Design – Workflow Logistics vs. Addies

  An over 50-year-old model of instructional design doesn’t make sense once you know what technology can do. Learn about digital workflow logistics and a model that detaches the assumptions of...

Foundational Ed-Tech Leadership - What's Basic and Not-so-Basic

  Just one of the definitions in this section deals with data literacy, so different than digital literacy. Other definitions help anchor your perception of the digital learning universe with ...

What You Don't Know about Software Can Hurt Your School

  There's a reason most websites are asking your permission to "cookie" you before allowing you to see their site. Other potentially hostile characteristics must be known for the sake of stayi...

Understanding the Professional – Grade Learning Software Scene

  Many administrators and teachers are finding free software is not free. In software, mostly “free is like a puppy.” The work involved, and the liabilities to your carpets could be significan...

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