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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Reducing Teacher Burdens with Software Mechanisms

  Machines can do things to administer learning like never before, but what are those mechanisms doing and can we count on them? Will “animation plotting” be something to cause engagement, or ...

Instructional Qualities of Digital - Does it Cause Learning?

  When you look inside a major system or an App, is what it is doing causing any learning? What are the instructional qualities of digital programming? The problem with choosing digial resourc...

Customization of the Digital Learning Universe

  Teachers love to customize/individualize and need to so that they can fit learning to the unique students in front of them. How could software help them do this rather than make it more work...

Controlling Digital Learning

  Some of your learning software gives teachers the ability to control some interactions, to "hold back" or differentiate, see analytics, and more. Some do not. Systems, as well, provide high ...

The Design of Digital Resources in Learning

  Poorly designed software is just like poorly designed instruction. Now the two are very intertwined and data points to both learners and teachers missing key navigational cues and getting lo...

Intro to the Big Things on the Ed-Tech Landscape

  What are the “Big Things” on the landscape of Ed-Tech and the nine major categories of digital curriculum characteristics? Are your tactics cloud-based or on-premise? Be grounded in the ment...

8 New Models of Schooling

  Which one are you? Discuss the emerging models of school space and time use and the shift in teaching. Hybrid, Blended, even "HyFlex" are a thing now. What's it all mean for burdens on teach...

Hybrid Details: Get Out of Your Seat! Simultaneous Teaching

  Most schools have teachers with students live in classrooms and teaching students attending remotely via video conference. This tends to "tie down" the teacher to their desk. Attend this web...

Hybrid Details: Data and Deputization of Parents

  The newly distributed nature of driving achievement now includes parents and a needed increase in both communications and data sharing. Doing these things easily is the trick. What about Spa...

Hybrid Details: Impact of New Models in K12

  The spectrum of technology use in K-12 has shifted. For some schools this meant the advent of technology to support remote and hybrid learning. For others, the more tech-imbued schools, tech...

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