Past Events Video

Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Hybrid Details: True Personalization and Security through Digital Identity Management

  Digital Identity doesn't mean just a name on a roster with grades anymore. Explore how digital identity management is the true foundation of personalizing learning and building a modern cybe...

Hybrid Details: Did You Think Just "Connected" Meant "Equitable Access?"

  Just because a student is conntected to the internet doesn't mean they have equitable access. Attend to hear the concerns and solutions from both technical and academic leaders. ...

Hybrid Details: What Digital Content Should Be Doing for Teachers

  Learn about digital lesson planning with an eye to the sophistication of types of digital presentment. What is meant by user interface and user experience? See different scales that help...

Hybrid Details: Refining Personalized Asynchronous Learning

  How does lesson planning work when teachers blend in digital courseware and outside collected works sites? What's different in designing learning in hybrid environments?   ...

Less Guessing, More Addressing: Tangible Steps to Close the Literacy Gap

  51% of students have lower achievement according to a January 2021 national survey by the Learning Counsel. School leaders have challenges assessing those gaps, addressing them and adjusting...

Implementing New Digital Tools in a Cloud-Based Environment

  Central Bucks School District is a long-time friend of the Learning Counsel, as well as a nationally known hotspot for technological innovation in education. In this educator session, you’ll...

Pennsylvania - Local Panel of Administrators: “Our Digital Transition”

  It is simply amazing how much talent is in the state of Pennsylvania. In this Local Panel of Administrators discussion, these local administrators happen to be among the best educational min...

Shift to Digital Learning - Considerations

  The fantastic thing about the Learning Counsel’s Lunch and Learn presentations is they give us the opportunity to share hand-selected products and services that your school or district needs...

Reading is for Everyone

  Our special Lunch and Learn presentations are an opportunity for you to peruse education companies that you need to know about. These companies have all been vetted and come highly recommend...

Pennsylvania - Digital Experience Standards: “New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop”

  Leading this workshop is Chris McMurray, VP of EduJedi Leadership at the Learning Counsel. In today’s session, you’ll learn different ways to look at your district’s digital resources, with ...

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