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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Exploring Best Practices in Organizing teams, Using Technology, and How Front-Loading Information to Your Team Can Ease Nerves and Increase Engagement and Productivity

  In this educator session, Stephanie Acosta Castro, ESE Chair and Coach at Coral Park Elementary, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, shares the particular tech she is using, as well as her par...

Educator Session on Hybrid Organizing: Pasco eSchool

  See how the experience of JoAnne Glenn, Principal at the Pasco eSchool translates into academic success during this time of hybrid and virtual learning. According to Glenn, “There's like a s...

Digital Equity – Bridging the Digital Divide

  Todd Dugan, Superintendent at Bunker Hill CUSD #8 in South Central Illinois has been passionate about digital equity for many years. In his session, you’ll hear concrete examples and ideas a...

Let's Not Waste a Good Crisis

  Dr. PJ Caposey, Superintendent at Meridian CUSD 223 helps us take a 30,000-foot view as he examines the opportunities for change brought by the pandemic. Learn how to take advantage of the C...

Illinois, Wisconsin - Local Panel of Administrators - Our Digital Transition

  Todd Dugan, Superinendent at Bunker Hill CUSD #8 and James O'Hagan, Director of Digital & Virtual Learning at Racine United School District discuss the specifics of their districts’ digi...

A Systems Approach to Adult Learning to Drive Student Learning

  Dr. Ken Wallace, Superintendent at Maine Township High School District 207 discusses learning structures that his district put into place. Since the turn of the 21st century, his school dist...

Personalize the PD in a Pandemic!

  Farheen Beg, Director of Technology at Butler SD 53 shares her district’s new professional development plan. “Whatever kind of teacher you are, you realize that you have to change and that t...

Choose Greatness

  We can’t always choose our circumstances, but we can choose the way in which we react. Even during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can react from a place of superior attitude, support ...

Indiana - Local Panel of Administrators - Our Digital Transition

  One of the highlights of every Learning Counsel Regional Digital Transition Discussion event is the Local Panel of Administrators. In this panel discussion, the region’s brightest and best s...

Your Online School for Deeper Learning

  Kimberly Nidy is the Director of Technology, and Kristy Kropper is a teacher for the Viking Online program, both at North Canton City Schools. Kimberly and Kristy have a particular passion f...

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