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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

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"#BackToSchool Contingency Plans for Platforms and Remote Learning

  Very often, the tools we need the most are the most basic, yet we don’t fully maximize their utility. In this educator session, Dr. Thomas Ho, Director of Technology at Traders Point Christi...

Remote ++: Creating a Schedule that can Pivot with COVID!

  In education, we can learn a great deal from experimentation. Dr. Sharon Watkins, is the Principal/Executive Director of Academics at North Woods Career Prep HS. Her charter schools serve no...

Organizing Hybrid Learning

  Brian Seymour, Director of Instructional Technology at Pickerington Local School District shares his district’s simple yet very effective plan for remote, hybrid and traditional learning, an...

Remote Learning 2.0: Primary and Secondary Models/Structure

  Dave E. Binkley Jr. is the Director of Instructional Technology at Strongsville City Schools in Northeast Ohio. His session on Hybrid organizing is a reboot, or more specifically, a reimagin...

Diving into the Challenges of a New Digital Normal

  Midland is not your typical town. It is isolated by 300 miles of dirt on all sides and has been slow to the digital transition. But Midland is making up ground quickly, and they are doing so...

21st Century Classroom Instruction - A Hybrid Model

  According to Sandra Paul, Director of IT and Operations at Township of Union Public Schools in New Jersey, “Sometimes you have to just do what you can in order to get things done.” Hear how ...

LA - Local Panel Of Adminisrators - Our Digital Transition

  The Local Panel of Administrators is a must-see discussion for every educator. In this panel discussion, you’ll hear Sandra Paul, Director of IT and Operations at Township of Union Public Sc...

Key Components for Structuring Virtual Learning

  When you need to improve your virtual learning program, it makes sense to turn to an expert. Sara Mungall is the Director of Secondary Curriculum & Technology at University View Academy....

Educational Leadership in Time of Change and Uncertainty

  One thing we can all say with certainty is these are uncertain times. In this presentation by Andrew Gardner, Principal at Jackson Junior High School, you’ll hear methods and strategies for ...

Educator Session on Hybrid Organizing: Louisiana

  No matter where you are in America, delivering instruction can feel like a roller coaster ride, hanging upside down and going sideways too fast, or even too slow, and keeping up with all the...

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