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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Community of Inquiry Model (COI) for Learning Online

  Dr. Travis Taylor, Instructional Technology Specialist at Little Rock School District explains the three core areas of the model, social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence, ...

OoRah Leadership: Transform yourself if you want others to follow

  Dr. Michael Steele, Executive Principal at Metro Nashville Public Schools invented OoRah Leadership because he kept seeing too much failed leadership. When he was in his doctoral program, he...

Tennessee - Local Panel of Administrators: Our Digital Transition

  Education is in a period of intellectual change and culture shift. As we work our way through the rigors of the pandemic and the many changes involved in a hybrid or fully remote environment...

Educator Session on Hybrid Organizing

  “Vetting Resources for Data Governance,” with Ivy Nelson, Education Technology Manager at Belton School District #124 in Kansas City. Hear how this district accelerated their technology ti...

"Going Digital: Continuous Improvement and School Support in 2020" & “The New Bouquet of Safety Protocols”

  Districts around the nation have been pivoting in response to unprecedented circumstances for education amidst a global pandemic.  For Shelby County, this pivot meant creating the circumsta...

Our Story at Powhatan

  Rural counties can offer options to families, provide meaningful professional development, and stay true to instructional models and best practices in a time of uncertainty and great stress....

D.C. - Local Panel of Administrators - Our Digital Transition

  In this special panel discussion by top administrators, Dr. PJ Caposey, Superintendent of Meridian CUSD 223, Dr. Amy Hunt, Chief Academic Officer, of Park City School District, and Senator H...

Schooling during COVID-19: Turning obstacles into opportunities

  Dr. Powers, Headmaster will shares how he and his staff at Pinkerton Academy took the obstacles they faced and turned them into opportunities to learn and work in ways they would not have th...

Providing Real-Time Robust Feedback from Anywhere

  There are so many aspects of learning that are impacted by the shift to remote and hybrid learning- equity and the digital divide, SEL and trying to get our students connected, and even basi...

Arlington Public Schools Journey to Virtual Learning

  During this presentation you will hear how Heather Hurley, Personalized Learning Specialist at Arlington Public Schools prepared students and teachers to move to virtual learning for the beg...

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