Past Events Video

Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Phoenix, AZ Educator Guest Keynote: Becoming Human Alongside Tech

As Technology continues to permeate education, we have a responsibility to find the balance that best leverages technology while utilizing the best use of teachers and support staff – their kn...

Doug Cauthen

Phoenix, AZ Educator Guest Keynote: Leadership Priorities Now

The Learning Leadership Symposiums, brought to you by the Learning Counsel, are regional professional learning events designed to promote innovation in the field of education. By combining tim...

Doug Cauthen

Phoenix, AZ Panel Discussion - Leading the Learning Matrix

At the Learning Counsel’s Phoenix area Learning Leadership Symposium this year, the participating talent was extra talented, and that may be especially true for this year’s Phoenix Administrat...

Doug Cauthen

Orange County, CA - Panel Discussion: Leading the Learning Martrix

One thing you can often accuse the Learning Counsel of is saving the best for last. At this year’s Orange County Learning Leadership Symposium, the answer to that accusation would be, ‘Guilty ...

Doug Cauthen

Orange County, CA - Featured Guest Educator: Becoming Human Alongside Tech

The Classical Academy High School is probably unlike any school you have ever seen. In many ways, it is a model for the future, a precursor to hybrid logistics and a school that just works, sp...

Doug Cauthen

Orange County, CA - Educator Keynote: Leadership Priorities Now

Michele Dawson, Senior Director of Instructional Tech and Innovation at Compton Unified School District is a dynamo when it comes to providing opportunity for her students. In a district that ...

Doug Cauthen

Tech Imperative Recognition – SAFARI Montage

This year, the Learning Leadership Society chose SAFARI Montage as a Tech Imperative Award winner. The Tech Imperative Award is in recognition of leadership, building a foundation for K-12 dig...

Doug Cauthen

Teacher Recognition Spotlight

Learning Counsel CEO LeiLani Cauthen recognized 29 Teacher Winners for this year’s National Digital Transition Survey Award winners at the 2023 Virtual National Gathering. This year, five diff...

Doug Cauthen

What You Should Know about the Hybrid Logistics Project

In this presentation, Learning Counsel CEO LeiLani Cauthen and special guest Felicia Rattray, Founder of the Permission to Succeed Education Center, explain the real-world benefits of Hybrid L...

Doug Cauthen

Predictions Panel & Open Mic

This Predictions Panel and Open Mic session was broadcast live from the Learning Counsel’s Virtual National Gathering Event held in early February 2023. Host Chris McMurray, CAO of the Learnin...

Doug Cauthen

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