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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

Watch completed seminars whenever you like, or register for upcoming seminars.

Rx for Success: Tools for Understanding the Health of Your eLearning

  How do you know if your student’s eLearning is effective? In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, every school and district has increased its level of virtual instruction. But additional virt...

Teacher PD Logistics Now

  Perhaps more than any time in history, our teachers and administrators need professional development to help guide them through the transition to an upcoming virtual/hybrid system of educati...

Teachers as Social-Emotional Leaders

  These are unusual times. The stress that the pandemic has caused is being felt by everyone, especially our students who are trying to deal with an unprecedented situation. In this episode of...

The Extracurricular Conundrum for Hybrid Schools

  Making sure your learners receive a great school experience in the time of COVID-19, chock full of sports and other activities, is a lot like trying to solve a riddle wrapped in a mystery. T...

Space & Time Rearrangement of Hybrid Schools

  Featured Panelists: ◆ Paul Henn, Director of Learning Services, New Ulm Public Schools, MN ◆ Dr. Roland Rios, Director of Technology, Ft. Sam Houston ISD, TX ◆ Dr. Travis Taylor, Instru...

Security Cautions Now: Implications in a New World of Virtual Learning

  Paramount in the discussion of reopening our schools are the implications of safety and security for our students and staff. In this episode of the Learning Counsel’s Back to (e)School Tacti...

Built for Instant Remote: Any-Student/Any-Staff

  With the uncertainty about the Fall opening of schools, the smart money says you need to be able to provide instant remote, built for any student and any staff member. In this episode of the...

Overcoming your Public’s Reasons Not to Return

  When schools open to a hybrid learning model this Fall, many parents report that their children will not be returning. It is incumbent upon schools to not only provide a superior learning en...

Social Distancing Tech for Hybrid Schools

  One of the most difficult aspects of our return to physical school is the question of proper social distancing. Even with a hybrid model of learning, the implications of student safety are m...

Hybrid Schools Putting AI Personalization to Work Now

  As schools open this fall after a long hiatus, school and district leaders are searching for the best way to construct a hybrid model of learning and the best tools to help make learning a s...

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