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Learning Counsel flash internet seminars are designed to be rapid researched-based professional development for education executives and administrators. Leaders in edtech and district and school transformation share their experience, best-practices and tools on how they are making the shift.

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Using this Stimulus Wisely to Go Hybrid

  Any way you slice it, the CARES Act stimulus will bring a lot of money into K-12 this year. How wisely districts can utilize this funding will determine, to a large extent, the success they ...

Deploying Distance Learning for Access Equity – 2 New Ways

  The challenges created by distance learning have put a sharp lens on the lack of access equity for students (and their families).  Fortunately, the problems are not insurmountable, and distr...

Architecting Hybrid Learning for the New School Year: Panel One

  The new school year is almost upon us, and many questions remain. Planning for the 2020/2021 school year is a guessing game at best, with one-part art, one-part science, and a generous helpi...

The New Digital vs. Digitized: Differences & Impact Right Now

  As we reopen our schools, everything seems to be on the table. The question of using true digital, professional-grade courseware vs. digitized, often teacher-created curriculum is an importa...

Surviving the Aftermath of COVID-19: Continued Caution Ahead

  There is no magic bullet for schools to successfully navigate the aftermath of COVID-19. Even our nation’s best education minds are feeling their way through, combining technology with a gen...

Schools as Epicenters of Our Economic Recovery

  After the devastation COVID-19 has done to the American economy, many of us don’t know how we can help. The simple truth is that now as always, there is a direct and immediate relationship b...

Working through the Challenges of Virtual STEM: A State-of-the-Art Discussion

  Learning is at a crossroads, and the decisions we make today may well set the course for the coming years in educational instruction. In this Learning Counsel Crossroads Virtual Discussion ...

The “World After Quarantine” Definition of Hybrid Learning

  How does the school world look after quarantine? Everyone is planning some sort of hybrid model of learning, but definitions of hybrid learning may be forever changed. In this episode of the...

Virtual Literacy: What is State of the Art Now?

  We have come a long way since we taught readin’ and writin.’ But even with the amazing progress we have made in the science of literacy, it is still sometimes more of an art than a science. ...

The Question of Screen Time Once Again is Front and Center

  Studies identify the optimum screen time for children, and most schools are very careful to adhere to the guidelines. Even so, the question of screen time is never far in the background, esp...

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