Survey Reports & Video Briefing

Learning Counsel Survey Reports are analysis of surveys conducted to determine K12 edtech trends, spend, pressures and
solutions happening in public, private and homeschooling learning. Learning Counsel uses secondary research to supplement
the Reports to make statements about the overall dynamics and direction of the market.

The latest reports may require purchase. Past reports are available below with additional links to stories, press releases and
videos that may have accompanied them.

2022 Sneak Peek for EdTech Companies of the Administrator & Teacher Digital Transition Survey Reports & Briefings (Vendor Audience Oriented)

Ripple Effects, a leader in the social emotional learning (SEL) space, provides a digital suite of preK-12 equity-driven programs that empower students and staff to develop their full SEL capacities.

10th Annual Digital Transition Survey Awards

Benton, AR, Feb. 5, 2024 – Learning Counsel Research recognized Cobb County School District, Georgia with its Sustainable Tech Practices Award during the 10th Annual Learning Leadership nationa...

Learning Counsel Unveils Key Insights at the 10th Annual K-12 Strategies Survey Results & Awards Event

Benton, AR, Feb. 5, 2024 – The Learning Counsel, a pioneering organization at the forefront of educational transformation, successfully concluded its 10th Annual Digital Transitions Survey Re...

2022 National Event: Teacher Recognition Spotlight

Learning Counsel CEO LeiLani Cauthen recognized 29 Teacher Winners for this year’s National Digital Transition Survey Award winners at the 2023 Virtual National Gathering. This year, five diff...

2022 National Event: School Recognition

The Learning Leadership Institute and the National Digital Transition Survey come together to recognize this year’s Learning Leadership Institute Award Winners. Awards are given to districts/s...

2022 Event: District Recognition

Each year, the Learning Counsel uses data collected from the National Digital Transition Survey to help determine that year’s Learning Leadership Society Award winners. In past years, this was...

2022 National Event: District Recognition Part Deux

One of the wonderful things about the Learning Counsel’s Annual Virtual National Gathering Event is recognizing the sheer magnitude of talent and presenting them to the world as Learning Leade...

Learning Counsel Announces 2022 National Digital Transition Survey Teacher Award Winners

29 teachers were awarded designations from the Learning Counsel for their incredible work in the digital transition.

Learning Counsel Announces 2022 School and District National Digital Transition Survey Award Winners

33 schools and districts were awarded designations from the Learning Counsel for their incredible work in the digital transition.

Social Emotional Wellness of Students a Top Concern Amidst Coincidental Huge Increases in Digital Content Spend by K12s

In 2022, most schools got past the pandemic disorientation and spent more stimulus funds on tech.

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