For Vendors

Distributed Leadership: Defeat the Peter Principle, Retain Employees, and Grow Your Company

What if your employees could stay in a job they love, in which they’re thriving, and in which they’re making a significant impact on the broader organization? The “ Peter Principle ” makes the...

Ross Romano

Can Brand Awareness Generate Measurable ROI?

The Secrets of Measuring Brand Love

Daylene Long

3 Keys to Creating a Strong Organizational Culture in Your B2E Company

Investing in a strong  organizational culture  “doesn’t cost much, but the return is enormous,” according to author and entrepreneur Will Scott. “It’s the greatest ROI that any leader can get.” ...

Emily Enbury

Are You Having Fun Yet?

Hey you. Out there in San Francisco. And Chicago. And Atlanta. And New Jersey. And Tampa. And Dallas, and Silver Spring. For those of you running your education businesses in every major metropo...

Charles Sosnik

Leadership, Language and Learning

In this era of the social distance, needing a hug never goes lot of style.

Mac Bogert

Hybrid Logistics is Solving Education’s Most Urgent Challenges: Here’s How You Can Help

Post pandemic, our schools are fraught with challenges – not the least of which is a teacher shortage that threatens to leave our learners with nearly a million fewer teachers than they need. St...

Chris McMurray

Near Enemies and the Mouth

Both Brené Brown and Louise Penny highlight the idea of  near enemies . These are emotions which masquerade as positive emotions but are not. So, they fool us, and they fool those around us. Pit...

Mac Bogert

Do you have something in a 2-BR, 2-Bath Cave?

I made the mistake of falling back into an old habit this past week. I started watching the evening news on one of the networks. Man, talk about negativity. Honestly, if that was where I got m...

Charles Sosnik

SEO for Education: How to Create Content That Prospects (and Google) Will Love

Developing highly  compelling content  that helps customers and prospects ease their biggest pain points is key to effective business-to-education (B2E) marketing. The right content can establis...

Lauren West

What to Look for, Post Pandemic

  Advice to our industry partners in the coming year. The fact is, in this post-pandemic period, going back to normal really didn’t happen. There is no “normal” anymore. One of the thing...

The LC Staff

Wordle’s 6 Lessons for Leaders

In just a handful of months, Wordle burst into the public consciousness and took a whirlwind tour – engaging users of all backgrounds, making yellow and green boxes ubiquitous on Twitter, assert...

Ross Romano

SEO for Education: 3 Keys to Boosting Your Google Search Ranking

Staying on top of the latest search engine optimization (SEO) trends can feel like a game of Whack-A-Mole, where marketers are trying to hit a constantly moving target. Google uses more than 200...

Liz Meyer

Leadership Lessons: When Binary Decisions Require a Tertiary Option

Decision processes intrigue me, especially as I’ve moved into positions that require far more complex decisions on issues that have a larger impact. There is the self-reflective part of the proc...

Zach Vander Veen

Time to eliminate that Stinkin’ Thinkin.’

An old employer and mentor of mine, the immortal R.B. Knight, used to swear that it was impossible to hold a positive thought and a negative thought at the same time. That’s an amazing piece o...

Charles Sosnik

Education Conferences During COVID: Insights for B2E Marketers

The continued presence of COVID-19 has complicated business-to-education (B2E) marketers’ plans with respect to conferences and events. Traditionally a key opportunity to build brand awareness, ...

Chloe Dechow

Digital Identity in the Metaverse: Addressing Kids & Teens

PRIVO hosted an event for  Identity Management Day 2022 , with an in-depth discussion on why identity is important in the metaverse and what will it mean to “get minors identity right” in this n...

Staff Reports

1 Million New Teachers Needed in 2022: Welcome to Education’s Great Resignation & Re-Shuffle

Learning Counsel Research estimates that 32 percent of administrators in K12 education have quit or switched jobs within the last 25 months.  A good number of those are Superintendency roles. Al...

LeiLani Cauthen

Where’s the Opportunity?

I was having a conversation with my son Stone over the Easter break. He is a bright kid, just finishing his 2 nd year at Appalachian State University. For those of you unfamiliar, Appalachian i...

Charles Sosnik

What You Can Expect at the Learning Counsel’s Digital Transition Discussions

  When you come to our regional Digital Transition Discussions, you’ll be in good company. In addition to our hand-selected sponsoring companies, we also bring in the region’s top thought lead...

The LC Staff

Ain’t That Good News (with apologies to the immortal Sam Cooke)

Everywhere I look, I see good news. But Charles, what about the Ukraine? And gas prices? And…? My heart goes out to our friends in the Ukraine. But I am fortunate to be here in the US, safe ...

Charles Sosnik

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The Power of Impact: Dr. Cary Holman on Transformative Leadership in Education
At the Nashville, TN Learning Futures & Tech Media Meeting, Dr. Cary Holman, Superinte…

Empowering Students Through Personalized Learning at Empower Academy
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Fostering Intentionality and Inclusion: Insights from the Learning Futures & Tech Media Panel
At the Nashville Learning Futures & Tech Media Meeting, a distinguished panel of educati…

The Unfolding Vision of AI and Project Based Learning
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Improving Student Literacy: The Time for Change Is Now
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